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Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1 What is involved in buying a house?
First visit some general or ‘portal sites’ which will outline the steps involved in buying a house in Ireland and provide links to other related websites. In this guide we will consider two portal sites: and
A website provided by the Irish Government containing information you may need at various stages of your life.

The first or homepage is shown above.
Look for the heading ‘Housing’, then
Click on ‘Buying a home’.

Here you have a range of options you can follow, for example
Purchasing a home'
Help with buying a home'
Owning a home’. but first follow the link to ‘Buying a Home in Ireland’

This section contains information on how you go about buying a home in Ireland. It also contains valuable links to more detailed information either
  • on another section of the website or
  • directly to another website.
For example, a link to the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland is shown in blue and underlined. You can follow these links as you meet them, and return easily to the original guide, or you can make a note of them for future reference. Notice the ‘related topics’ link near the top of the screen

Click on this to go to a list of other sections of the website of interest to someone buying a house in Ireland.
Overall, the website is a very useful resource for anyone thinking about buying a house, or taking any major life decision in Ireland today. The information on the website is provided by the government, but there are also commercial websites which provide information on similar topics.

One of these is and the homepage of this website looks like this: has gathered large amounts of information and advice for home buyers and organised it into four main sections:
  • Property Search, with extensive online directory of estate agents
  • Mortgage Centre, with information from several Irish mortgage providers
  • Low Cost Legal Fees, flat rate fees negotiated with a panel of solicitors
  • Home Buyers Guides, a selection of information guides relevant to anyone buying or selling a property.
You can access these sections by clicking on the toolbar indicated.
To find a useful glossary of terms first
Click on Home Buyers Guides at the right end of the toolbar. Then
Click on ‘Jargon Buster – mortgage & home buyers terms explained

Now that you have had a chance to look at the general websites on this topic, let us look at what the next step should be.
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