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For further reading:
(This is a tutorial from the University of California that provides a good overview on undertaking research on the Internet).
(This is a very detailed guide to undertaking research on the Internet from the State of Victoria in Australia. It provides excellent information on the different resources for research, along with advice on evaluating the results of your research from the Web).
This resource provides information on search engines. Although originally intended for journalists, it also provides useful information for the general public on the various search engines and on the techniques to use for using search engines.
This is another useful site that provides information on searching and researching on the Internet. It is organised under various simple relevant headings.
This site from the BBC is a basic online course on using the Internet. It contains an easy to understand section on finding information on the Internet.
This site from the library of the University of Albany, New York, provides a research guide along with a guide to search engines, subject directories and The Deep Web.
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